Professional piano tutoring in Launceston
Pianos & Music provides top-quality piano tutoring services. You can choose to take your tuition in our in-store private tuition suites in Launceston or at your own home elsewhere in Cornwall or Devon.
Piano tuition for both children and adults
We provide piano tuition to both children and adults. We have a team of qualified teachers who can teach complete beginners as well as more advanced students. You can choose to take your tuition in our in-store private tuition suites or at your own home.

We offer the following:
. Theory and practical classes
. We teach all ages and abilities
. Lessons taught one to one
. Tutoring up to exam level
. Progress at a pace that suits you

Established business
We have over 35 years’ experience in this industry and have earned a reputation for the quality of our services. You can look forward to a satisfying experience.